27 1/8" x 16 1/8" - 17 3/4" x 3 1/4" Aftermarket replacement for Airstream "Wing" window garnish. Formed ABS with a UV inhibiting cap. Suitable for specific windows installed on Airstreams from 1969-1993.
27 1/8" x 16 1/8" - 17 3/4" x 3 1/4" Aftermarket replacement for Airstream "Wing" window garnish. Formed ABS with a UV inhibiting cap. Suitable for specific windows installed on Airstreams from 1969-1993.
27 1/8" x 16 1/8" - 17 3/4" x 3 1/4" Aftermarket replacement for Airstream "Wing" window garnish. Formed ABS with a UV inhibiting cap. Suitable for specific windows installed on Airstreams from 1969-1993.
The window arm notch is on the bottom. This is meant for the "pole arm" style window that lift from the bottom. Required some alteration to fit my style of window arms. The flat arm style of windows raise front the top and the d wing windows are asymmetrical thus requiring alteration instead of a simple flip.